images by Peter Pankras

Commander Work in Progress Commander
Commander and environment Commander and environment rideau rideau
skull faces cobra

images by Rob van den Bragt

basement basement with pushed luminance basement wire frame

images by Bartosz Tomczak and Jacopo Pantaleoni (model by Alias|Wavefront)

gunbot gunbot gunbot gunbot with path tracing

images by Vetor Zero

cubes clo clo soldier

images by Brian Bullock

closup of a robot Angela Iain
Brom, Angela's alter ego Brom in pose

images by J.J. Franzen

metal angel

images by Perry Harovas

Burt is lost Burt is lost


wine glass peppers jewel
old Commander

Embedded Lightflow for Maya is a product of Lightflow Technologies di Pantaleoni Jacopo.

All the images contained in this document were created in Maya and rendered with Embedded Lightflow for Maya by members of its Beta Testing Team, and they can be redistributed only with the proper copyright notices.

Maya is a trademark of Alias|Wavefront.