Embedded Lightflow for Maya is a plugin that seamlessly
connects Maya with the Lightflow Rendering Tools.
The development of this software has started about one
year ago with the collaboration of a small group of
beta testers from all over the world.
At the beginning it was just an unfriendly raw geometry
Now, with its ability to render complex shading
networks mixing standard Maya nodes
with special ELF Shaders, it is the world's first rendering
appliance to feature a full integration into
Maya, providing direct support for
Maya's Dependancy Graph together with
some of the most innovative rendering solutions
available today, including
global illumination,
volume rendering, and
displacement mapping.
At this point, we are proud to show you the first results of
our work...
...but as the presentation image suggests, this is still a work
in progress, and these pages will reflect this
situation: so we would like to beg your pardon
anticipately for their incompleteness - promising, though, that
we will make constant updates to keep you informed.
The ELF Team, 25 February 2001.